About the Listers

Master Listers:

Kristy is a fanatical list-maker.  Maniacal.  Obsessive.  And after each list, a wave of calm overtakes her.  Travel companions groan over Kristy’s exhaustive research and list-making, but in the end they are won over by the interesting and bizarre experiences. Kristy is an academic neuroscientist by day, and has no interest in dinosaurs.  She recently learned the name for her obsession; glazomania: a passion for listmaking.

Kristen has been making lists since she was a child and her mother would let her stay up to watch David Letterman’s nightly Top Ten. Kristen continuously rates things in a Top Five hierarchy, collects other people’s To Do lists, and sometimes takes a cataloguing break to yell at statues. She is currently unemployed but she is working on a list of possible new jobs. The T Rex is the King of Everything, but also the name of her dog and a really good band from the 70s.

Read here to find out how Kristy and Kristen started writing lists together, long ago.

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Guest Listers:

Lizzy is an occasional guest contributor.  She met Kristen after colliding with her while both were examining lists.  That moment launched a bi-monthly “List Club” that has grown in popularity over the years, to include one dog.  She likes to do … a lot, has perfected the auditory art of expletives, and spends her days as a Librarian. She loves pickles by themselves or with wine.

Karen is a scientist by day, bookworm and craft addict by night. She’s also a self-diagnosed crazy cat lady, with 2 cats she loves to talk about–don’t get her started. She’s not as much of a lister as her sister, Kristy. She’s “got it all in her head” which will eventually lead to trouble, undoubtedly. Bring her near a buffet or a brunch and she will eat her weight in french toast. She doesn’t know anything about dinosaurs but used to baby sit a kid who would tell her all their names and then quiz her. She would fail that quiz today.

Kristen (L) and Kristy (R) pondering lists at Margaritaville in Orlando (after a margarita, the lists just keep flowing!)


One response to “About the Listers

  1. Tony

    June 1, 2011 at 11:48 am

    Who ever took this photo clearly had an eye for Photography and should obviously have been given some accreditation. Oh well I guess another talented photographical (is that even a word? ) artist slips though the cracks again….


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